Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Make it Work....All Star Style

Auf Weidersehen

Wow, how long did we wait for this season of crazy designers? So long that I'm getting over the fact that I have to admit that I watch a show on Lifetime. Ew.

So, as excited as I was to have 3 hours of delicious Project Runway to was a little too much to handle in one night. Loved seeing the past season designers back and see the new ones get their dreams crushed, but it was all a bit much to handle in one season. I think showing the fan favorites right before overshadowed the new talents.

All Star Challenge:

I was excited to see Santino, Chris, Korto, Mychael and Uli. Sweet P as much as she is a fan favorite, I'm not into her designs at all. Daniel, I just don't feel like he ever left and what's this? Why is Jeffrey competing for $100K when he already won? Lame. All I could think of was "What happened, to Andrae??"

The designers were given a nice chunk of change and off to Mood for ole time's sake. There was some vague idea of Nicole Kidman maybe wearing something if it didn't suck too bad but she never appeared.

The designers are super stressed out again, well everyone except Chris who slept through the challenge, and are super pissed when Tim appears and wants to take them to dinner at a super fancy place. Wow, is this your first time playing? Obviously there's a reason they're taking you from your work. Surprise! the designers have to add a fourth look made from tearing apart the restaurant and now they get an extra day so the divas can stop crying.

Runway show. Here's my opinion:

Sweet P.
Blechhh. Over and over they say "home sewn" to her. Who's home? A green and pink fairy who likes nightgowns? This stuff does not look current, fun, sophisticated or even interesting.

Chris March
Now we know what he was dreaming of; warm blankets. Liking that though.

Santino, Santino, Santino. I liked it more than the judges did. I thought it was cohesive, exciting and shiny. :p They thought it was TOO much shininess. Well, otherwise you would say it wasn't Santino enough. So make up your minds already!!!

Damnit. I didn't want to like it, but I did.

Very fun, and there's no doubt she's a talent

Ummm....ok. I just don't get it. And that restaurant challenge? He should have been auf'd just for that. It's not the una bomber challenge honey

Love it. My favorite one. Chic, young, alluring. Give her the money already!

ho hum.

Shockinly, Jeffrey, Uli and Santino are the bottom 4 and were auf'd right away. (I know that made a lot of people happy to see Jeffrey and Santino denied.)

Now, how cute was Chris when he got all teary about being in the top 4? Made me teary myself. If only he would get that sleep apnea taken care of!

It's down to Korto and Daniel. My daughter and I are chanting Korto, Korto, Korto.......

Hmm. Sadness. I guWell DVF did say, it only takes one dress to be famous.

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