At Mood they are given $100 and plenty of "Campbell soup red" fabrics. The designers also get to use some Campbell soup prints if they'd like.
This week, I noticed those cwazy designers are already losing their minds after 3 challenges!

Mila and Maya
The twins with bangs. Watch out Maya, Mila is not your friend. Just because you both rock dark hair with bangs does not make you buddies on a reality competition show. But I'm sure neither of you are there "to make friends" right?
Wait? Woah! Li'l Rascals!?!?!!? Seth Aaron, Ben and Anthony rock their suspenders and bow ties. How freakin cute were they all together?

Of course, those evil producers place a random bucket of water that only crybaby Janeane would put her dress by and get her fabric soaked. What the heck is going on?
In the workroom.... it's full of tears and emotions as the women tell the designers their stories. This just in, the designers find out there are other things in the world to care about besides fashion and themselves! Gasp!!!
You would think after the great bonding moments, some amazing looks would come out of it.......
According to Seth Aaron, they can make size 4 garments in their sleep, but to make a larger size for some reason is very very tricky. Obviously, there would be design elements you would want to avoid, and you do have to take in mind some curves and support for the bosoms, but why do the designers in these challenges always want to do drapy loose clothing items to hide the curves? I'm glad they do these challenges; you shouldn't be able to win if you aren't able to design for bigger than a size 4, it's too unrealistic and that needs to stop.
On to zee runway.....
I liked Jonathan's look, it looked like a gala look would and it was definitely red, although maybe it wasn't "Campbell soup red". Perhaps there was some bunching in the middle of the dress, but a one day look for a gala, I thought this fit well.

Seth Aaron was almost convinced to do a drapy Grecian look, which was seemingly going to be a well made draped look, but Tim talked him out of it in the workroom, because it didn't look "Seth Aaron" enough. I have to say, he made a very well-fitted look at the last moment!

Emilio's look was OK. I felt like it was a pass, but not that interesting. And was the gal pregnant? If so, then this is very cute, but if she's not......

Janeane actually ended up with a good look. It's the right cut and fit for her model and it does have the branding and coloring. A fair pass for this challenge. I think the bottom layer should have come up a little higher to be closer to the top layer. I'm also not sure why so many designers used shiny fabric that barely works on a model, let alone "real people".

Anthony's look was a little more hip hop, a little more rock n' roll. I do like that he did fitted instead of drapy for his look. I think the skirt should be knee length to be age appropriate. All in all, a cute and fresh look that made it to the next round.

Ben was designing for Wonder Woman this week. (I kid!) That's the first thing I thought of when she walked out, I was looking for her lasso. Listen, this dress isn't bad....but it doesn't seem to be fitting her right. With a better fit, and not such a weird belt thing going around the middle, this could have been the top 3.

Speaking of Top 3, why wasn't this look by Jay up there? The top is heart shaped and done very cute! I loved the overall look and it seems to be well made. Too safe perhaps?

The judges' Tops:
Once again, the judges are drinking Mila's Kool-Aid and once again, I just don't get it. This looks like a flag. I do like the concept of it, but it just looks costumey to me! I think the top star works, but maybe if the bottom one wasn't so large, or they were a few little stars wrapped around the dress? I don't know I guess the judges just want something different, but it just seems gimmicky to me.

Mila's mini-me Maya makes it to the top 3 on stage. (tongue twister, non?) At first I just thought, snake wrapped around the dress(?), but the judges loved how the heart shape looked, without being obvious. It is intriguing and different, and I like that they are going for something a little different. (I still miss Ping though!)

Our Bay-Area girl Amy is the winner!!! It does look more drab as a still....but it did move very gracefully on the runway. The top was also done very well and it seemed to work for her body type while also being very gala! Congrats Amy!

The judges' Bottoms:
Jesse didn't get his wish and karma brings him back to the bottom, even without Ping. With the jacket on, this does look very majorette. Otherwise, I thought it looked kind of cute. The judges did not go for this because of the white jacket hitting her right there and how he used the logoing on the design (the pinwheel thing on her jacket). I didn't think this should be bottom 3, except to get back at Jesse for being so mean to Ping. ;)

Yikes and Yikes. When this look came out I was so confused and yeah, confused. Why the hell did she use flesh colored fabric and make this weird Tinkerbell style dress!?! Oh why did she do this to this woman who has been through so much already! The bottom was also uneven and it was just not flattering at all.

Jesus. Oh, Jesus. To quote Michael Kors, "Where do I start?" He gets this petite woman, and he could have done so much for her and he ends up making her look like a Park Avenue hooker. That makeup job makes her look so desperate and yes, those pearls are sewn into the dress as the straps, to make it "more classy". The judges were right, there was a lot of elements going on and the class factor with Jesus is very questionable. I'm sorry Jesus, but you're out.

Auf weidersehen, Jesus.
Man, I'm gonng miss typing Jesus into my blogs. Thanks a lot PR! :(
Jesus "Don't miss with the" Estrada

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